Make Money Reselling eBooks

Resell eBooks To Make Money
If you are wanting to make money with ebooks, but do now own your own you can resell ebooks. Several popular ebooks out there offer you the opportunity to buy what is referred to as reseller rights. When you purchase the reseller rights to an ebook you can sell that ebook for whatever price you want or even give it away for free.
There are so many things that you can do when you own the reseller rights to an ebook. Obviously you can resell ebooks to make money. However, there are a lot of other things that you can do with the reseller rights to an ebook that can make you money indirectly.
Ways To Resell eBooks and Make Money
Use To Increase Other Product Sales
Resell Cheaper Than Market Value
Use As Credibility Builder
Increase Newsletter Subscribers
Increase Product Sells
One of the most overlooked ways to utilize the ebook reseller rights is to use them to increase the sales of your other products. You can do this by purchasing the resell ebooks rights to popular ebooks. Then you can resell those ebooks for any price you want or give them away as an added bonus when a customer purchases your other products.
Most website owners never think of this when they buy the resale rights to ebooks. Of course you can always resell ebooks like this, but if you have a product of your own you would be better off giving away these ebooks for free to boost the conversion rates and sales of your products. It is the same concept that is used on tv infomercials. They offer you a product that is of decent quality, but mak tons of sales due to the incentives that they throw in for free.
Resell eBooks Cheaper
One of the best things about making money this way is that a lot of people have no idea what resell rights are. So if you sell a big name ebook cheaper than market value people will think that you are losing profit to sell them the ebook cheaper. Therefore, they are more likely to buy from you seeing that they can save money and they think you are doing them a favor.
In reality they do not realize you could give that ebook away if you wanted to and any money that you sell it for is almost pure profit. If you do decide to do this do not go crazy with it. If you go out and buy the resale rights to tons of ebooks your visitors will catch on. It is best to buy the resale rights to one and market it across your website cheaper than you can find it at any other website.
Use To Build Credibility
One of the best credibility builders out there is when you give things away for free. One thing website owners overlook is how valuable it can be to give things away for free. A lot of times they do not realize that when they buy the resell rights to an ebook they can resell it for any price they want. That includes giving it away for free entirely. However, how often do you see this.
Considering that the resell rights are usually no more than thirty dollars this is a quite a small investment considering the potential return. When consistently give free things away on your website or blog visitors are more likely to check your updates by coming back to visit your site regularly, subscribing to your RSS Feed, and subscribing to your newsletter.
Increase Newsletter and eCourse Subscribers
You may have read somewhere on this website how giving things away for free upon newsletter and ecourse sign up can really boosts your subscribers. It is worth mentioning again in this article. It is a proven fact that if you buy the resell ebooks rights to big name ebooks and give them away upon sign up to your newsletter you are going to greatly increase subsribers.
This will work the same when offering a free ecourse. With free eCourse your subscriber rates are already high since it is free and offers a potential solution to one's problem. When you combine this free eCourse with a free ebook your subscriber conversion rate will soar even more. Then you can develop a huge opt in list to send affiliate offers to and earn a commission.

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