How to Get Free Search Engine Traffic

   Getting Free Search Engine Traffic
The best way to get your site exposed to tons of visitors is not through advertising but through free search engine traffic. It costs no money and will give you much more visitors than paid advertising. Even people who realize this often go about obtaining it the wrong way.
Before reading this article Click Here to Take The Traffic Test to see how your traffic stacks up with your competition. It is free and gives you feedback on what percentile your site ranks in(Ex. top 5%, top 10%, etc.).
Keywords or KEY words
Keywords are what you target to get ranked high. This sounds complicated so but is simpler than you might think. Keep reading
A keyword is any word or set of words typed into a search engine. For example the word "car" is a keyword. The phrase "blue cars" is a keyword. The phrase "big blue cars" is a keyword. Everything typed into a search engine is considered a keyword.
It would be simpler if everyone just referred to them as terms that are searched. However, that is not the case and the correct term to use is keyword. No matter where you go on the internet you will see them referred to as keywords.
When you do searches on specific terms the search engine tries to compile the best results for that exact word or set of words. In order to get alot of free search engine traffic you need to target a specific keyword for every page.
Don't build pages without a keyword in mind. Anyways, a page is always about a specific term. If you are writing a page talking about cat toys, you should optimize that page so it will rank high in search results when people type in the phrase "cat toys".
If you didn't fit it with some simple optimization you would essentially be wasting your time because chances are no one would ever find your page. In order to get free search engine traffic the engines need to know what your page is about.
Have you ever heard the term search engine optimization or SEO?
That is the term used when talking about optimizing your webpages to get ranked highly in the search results. There is a lot of confusion and turmoil surrounding this term. When I say confusion and turmoil I mean alot of uncertainity and guessing when it comes to what the search engines judge your pages on in order to rank them.
If you knew for sure you could cater every page to those factors and rank #1 for any keyword you want.
SEOers are people who claim they know how search engines rank pages. They claim to know what they look for when ranking pages.
People pay these supposed experts who claim they know what Google and others look tons of money to optimize their webpages. The truth is no one knows besides a couple people in the entire world. There are probably a total of 3 people who know the total forumula for google. Others work on different parts of the formula.

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