Bidvertiser Review, How to Make Money With Bidvertiser

Bidvertiser Review
In this bidvertiser review I'm going to go over the different aspects of the bidvertiser program and share with you my results with bidvertiser as a money maker for content websites. You can also participate in their other services which are geared towards advertisers and affiliates making up the other two thirds of the company's website.
Bidvertiser Offers Services For...
Publishers or Site Owners

For Publishers
as I have already mentioned the only thing from this company that I had tested out is the publisher program. The publisher program of this company is designed to emulate common pay per click ad revenue programs similar to Google AdSense. You make money in the same way with this program as you do AdSense if you are a publisher or advertiser for that matter.
First you log into your account, then you copy and paste the code onto your website where you want a pay per click ads from bidvertiser to appear. Once the ads are in place the system will search its database of advertisers and deliver targeted ads. At least that's the way it is supposed to work.
About a year ago one of my websites was banned from AdSense. I wanted to find something that was similar to AdSense as the niche for this website did not have very good or suitable affiliate programs. This is why I went with a similar pay per click model. With this website I was making about $150 per month from AdSense clicks.
After implementing their on my website in exactly the same way as I AdSense I had some telling results. I went from making 150 per month from Google's pay per click system to making five dollars per month with the bidvertiser system. One thing I want to state and stress in this bidvertiser review is how nonprofitable their system is for publishers.
So if you are wondering how to make money with bidvertiser I would definitely not look at this aspect of their website.I can safely say that their publisher program is very poor and you aren't very little from clicks. This is not to mention that the ads were completely irrelevant at times and I very seldom saw an ad that I thought was completely relevant to my site content.
For Advertisers
as I have already mentioned I have not tried their advertiser program. My guess is there advertising program is very probable considering how unprofitable their publisher program this. The advertisers that were paying for clicks on my website were getting several clicks per month and only paying about 1 to 2 since for clicks. That is literally about a penny per click for targeted traffic.
So as for the advertiser program I would recommend this as you will be able to get lots of traffic for a very cheap price. Publishers really get screwed with this company and advertisers really profit. For this reason I definitely recommend that you use been advertiser for your pay per click advertising as opposed to other services. This bidvertiser review should explain exactly why their system is completely geared towards their advertisers. I am surprised they have any publishers in the program and the only reason they do is because Google and so many people from their network.
For Affiliates
As for affiliates I am really not sure how much you make from their system. From what I have heard the affiliate program is pretty profitable as you get some nice bonuses for signing up publishers and some decent cash for signing up advertisers as well. However, I would definitely not recommend this to any publishers because it will severely hurt your reputation as an online expert. I would be shocked if you were to come across any smalltime publishers that made any meaningful income from bidvertiser.


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