eBay Business Tips and Tricks For Buying and Selling Items

 eBay Business Tips
                                Basic eBay Business Tips
                                                                         Sign Up With Paypal
This is the first thing you want to do after you sign up for a sellers account on ebay. Paypal is the most preferred method of payment by sellers and buyers according to numerous studies. By accepting Paypal payments on items you are selling you are increasing your chances of selling those items. eBay says so itself. According to a study they performed accepting paypal payment increased the final price of items by five percent.
Create A Business User ID
Do not create a ID that reflects you or something other than your business. Your ID or username should reflect the types of things you sell. Your username is what people are going to remember you by. Try to make it short and catchy. If you are a large volume seller you could build up a huge customer base by having an easy to remember name. This is one of the simplest and most effective ebay business tips.
Start Slow And Build Gradually
One of the common mistakes of new ebay business owners is trying to expand to fast. Running an ebay business is not much different than running any other type of business. You have to keep records, logs, and maintain a good relationship with your customers. On eBay a good relationship with customers is important. Your feedback score will reflect on that and determine how successful you are at selling items.
Category Placement
Make sure you choose the most appropriate categories for the items you are selling. eBay allows sellers to submit items to multiple categories. Submit the item in atleast two categories. A common mistake by beginners is to not put much emphasis on category placement. Take the time to find the categories that best fit your items. This is one of the best ebay business tips for newcomers.
Always Be On Time
Nothing hurts a sellers feedback scores like late items. You should send all items the day they are bought. If you can not do it the day of do it the next morning. Buyers appreciate receiving items they recieve quickly and will post lots of positive feedback.It is alright to ship one late every now and then. Getting into the habit of shipping items late can crash your ebay business.
Intermediate eBay Business Tips
Factor In Listing Fees
When pricing your items take the listing fees into account. Listing fees include an initial list fee to get your item listed. There are is also a fee that factors in the total price the item sold for. For more details go to ebay's website. They provide information about each. Increasing the shipping fee and lowering the price of items is another thing to consider. Of all ebay business tips this is one you want to experiment with.
Write Detailed Descriptions
The description is often an overlooked component that can determine how well items sell or do not sell. Your descriptions of your items should be specific with lots of details. Be sure to include the brand, condition, model, etc. Include as many detials as you can without having to repeat yourself. People do not like to read a description that states the same things over and over again.
Create A Filing System
As sales increase it becomes more important to have an organized filing system. Once you are familiar with how things work on ebay you need to keep records of your sales for several reasons. You are going to have item returns, refunds, and other important information that you will want to keep track of. One option is to print off all receipts. Another is to file information on microsoft word.
Use The Buy It Now Feature
eBay provides sellers with option of selling items at a fixed price as well as holding auctions. The buy it now feature makes it easier to sell alot of orders of the same item. Selling a items many times over is a great way to make alot of money off a popular item. This also gets your site listed in eBay Express. eBay Express is a service buyers can use to buy items right now that only displays items with the buy it now feature.
Purchase A Digital Camera
This is the only one of the ebay business tips that does not apply to everyone. If you dropship items you do not need to purchase a digital camera. You can use stock photos for your items. You need a good digital camera to take pictures if you buy wholesale items in bulk. If you do buy in bulk you may want to switch to dropshipping. For more on dropshipping see eBay Dropshippers.
Advanced eBay Business Tips
Utilize eBay's Listing Tools
eBay has free tools created to help users run their eBay business with ease. Learn how to use each of the free tools as well as understanding all their features. They may take a while to completely understand but learning now will pay off in the future.
Learn Basic HTML
A little HTML knowledge goes a long way in creating better sales pages. It is important to create a strong sales page. It can be done without knowing any HTML. Incorporating bulleted list, page breaks, different color fonts, making your sales page look professional, and many other things require you to use HTML.
Use Accounting Software
This is not necessarry unless you sell more than 50 items a day. Accounting software makes it easier to file auctions, pay taxes, and keep records of your sales. Software is cheap and worth the price. Microsoft makes a version especially made for ebay sellers. eBay offers a free accounting tools but the Microsoft version is better. It can manage all aspects of your business.
Have A Return Policy
Many people will not buy an item that does not have a return policy. It adds assurance that they are getting what they are paying for. It is not necessary to have a return policy in the beginning. When you start selling a lot of products it is a good idea to have a return policy on your items. eBay business tips like this one can increase your business.
Create A Business Line
Creating a business line adds credibility to your business. You will be able to answer any questions your customers have that is not answered in the product description. Having them call your house phone can cause problems. You do not want your phone number displayed on the internet. Also, if you have family you do not want them answering business calls.

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