Site Build It Scam Review

   Site Build It ReviewI am going to let you step inside site build it or SBI and see exactly how it works and how I use it to build passive income. First off Lets start off by defining what SBI is.
What Is Site Build It?
SBI is all in one package for building and promoting a website that makes money(if that is your goal). SBI is designed to allow beginners to build website's that earn residual income with no computer skills. It is supposed to make building a website just like typing and editing a microsoft word document.
This is done with their point and click site builder. You can easily create great looking webpages with no computer skills just like the pages I have built on this website.
I honestly know little to nothing about how to build a web page without a site builder. It is tough, complicated, and no one builds webpages anymore with html(hyper text markup language) or any other complicated computer language. People now use site builders which allow them to build their websites with no computer training or knowledge.
That is not all there is to it though. That is the site building aspect of the software(the point and click site builder). The other part is for promoting your website which includes a large array of tools. There are too many to list on this webpage. However below I have listed a few of the important ones I use and feel are most important.
SBI Tools Include
Point and Click Site Builder
Newsletter or Ezine Creator and Mailer
Page Analyzer For Ranking Pages Higher In The Search Engines
Value and Demand Data For Search Terms
Video and Written Guide
Click Here to See The Full List of SBI Tools
Those are just a few of the tools I use with SBI. There are new ones being added monthly, some of which I probably do not even know about yet.
I think the most unique feature or tool that comes with SBI is there Search Term finder/analyzer and their SEO page analyzer. This powerful combo has helped me achieve a lot of top 10 rankings in all the major search engines.
How It Works
Before you build a page you look up a search term/keyword in the SBI database. This will tell you how many times a particular keyword is searched per day and how many websites are competing for it in the search results.
You then choose the keyword that is searched the most with the least competition guaranteeing you a spot in the top 10 of the search engines.
It is simple demand and supply when you have the numbers in front of you.
Then you proceed to build your page. Once your page is built all you do is press the "analyze it" button. Then a new page appears telling you what words to add or remove to the page to get it to rank higher in the search engine results.
This results in FREE traffic from the search engines. Free traffic from the search engines translates into more money with less expenses or no expenses in this case.
With Site Build It you make money off the traffic your website generates. On the internet if you can not get traffic you can not make money.
I have achieved over 50 top 10 google rankings using this software out of about the 80 pages I have built. I want you to see for yourself so I have compiled some of my top 10 rankings for you to search. To see our ranking for a particular search term/keyword just go to the desired search engine, search that term, then look for our website in the top 10.
The majority of my top 10 rankings have came from the the two biggest search engines: Yahoo and Google which account for over 85% of searches on the entire web. I also have a good bit of top 10 rankings on the other two search engines that account for a little percentage of searches: Ask and Bing(formerly Microsft Live Search Engine).
My Top 10 RankingsKeyword: "Get Paid To Play Games"
Search Volume: 6,600 searches daily
Google Ranking: #9
Yahoo Ranking: #3
Bing Ranking: #9
Ask Ranking: #10
Keyword: "Get Paid To Chat"
Search Volume: 400 searches daily
Google Ranking: #2
Yahoo Ranking: #1
Bing Ranking:#1
Ask Ranking #3
Keyword: "Get Paid To Take Pictures"
Search Volume: 480 searches daily
Google Ranking: #10
Yahoo Ranking: #5
Keyword: "Get Paid To Drive"
Search Volume: 5500 searches daily
Yahoo Ranking: #5
Keyword: "Top 10 Online Money Makers"
Search Volume: 700 searches daily
Google Ranking: #1
Yahoo Ranking: #1
Bing Ranking:#1
Ask Ranking #1
Keyword: "Get Paid To Write Online"
Search Volume: 4200 searches daily
Google Ranking: #9
Yahoo Ranking: #1
Keyword: "Get Paid To Sign Up"
Search Volume: 535 searches daily
Google Ranking: #10
Yahoo Ranking: #1
Bing Ranking:#9
Ask Ranking #10
Keyword: "Get Paid For Videos"
Search Volume: 100 searches daily
Google Ranking: #2
Yahoo Ranking: #1
Bing Ranking:#3
Ask Ranking #4
Keyword: "Best Online Money Makers"
Search Volume: 400 searches daily
Google Ranking: #1
Yahoo Ranking: #1
Bing Ranking:#1
Ask Ranking #7
So How Much Money Does This Equate To?These top 10 rankings in the search engines bring me about 45,000 page views per month from this website alone. This ranks in the top 1% of websites world wide in terms of traffic.
I make money off this traffic with the Google adsense pay per click ads you see on most pages of the site. It is the most popular method of earning money from a website due to its high earning potential and lack of maintenance since Google does that for you.
Those Google ads are the sponsored links provided by google on the top and bottom of every page(besides this page and the about page). I earn a commission each time someone clicks on one of those ads,links.
The nice apart about website building, especially with site build it's easy to use tools and instructions, is that once you quite working on your website's they will maintain themselves. They will continue earning money at the same rate for years to come whether you ever touch them again or not.
That is basically how I make make money online. It takes some work and time. However, I have made more money with less effort with my site build it website than any other online method I have had success with.

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